Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wish listing

I wondering why I titled this post wish listing-I think I am brainstorming what will go on my wish list. Lets see Peace and harmony would be up there in my fav 5 along with holistic health and wellness.

I went to a friends school where she is a physical education teacher. There was an open house for family and friends of the students and staff. So me and my friend were invited.-I had a great time but it was melancholy in nature since I was a teacher''s aide for many years, the last 5 years between 1997-2002 consisted of working with emotionally challenged kids , seeing the kids perform at this presentation at my friend's school was sorta emotional.

I dont think I will work with kids in this capacity ever again, since it is stressful but rewarding . I think I will work in an educational setting but maybe as a consultant in some health and fitness capacity. As some of you know if you have read my blog posts that I have one more class-Integrative Capstone that will deal with comprehensive content from my prior classes.

I have wonderful moral and emotional support from my family and friends which has helped me tremendously in addition to going to therapy on a regular basis . My next appointment is tomorrow and I will be going over some homework that was given to me to read so that I can use it in tomorrow's session . I will fill you all in on the results of that in the future if I think it is significant to mention.

My health and fitness wish list is to be working either online or in a personal training facility within the next 10 years . I do plan on going back to school to get my Master's in Exercise Science at another online college that I am doing research on at the moment. There is a long application process that I am not looking forward to ,but it is called progress right?

Still exercising on an inconsistent basis-I have not pinpointed what I need to do to make this work in my favor. Education wise I know that right recipe but need the passion to stoke that fire and keep it lit. I am willing to take suggestions ,comments or ideas. It is harder than most people can imagine. It is a personal and frustrating battle with myself LOL

It will work it self out when the time is right. I just have to be patient with myself-I make sure I focus and not let my friends and family influence my decision unless I allow it.
It is all about keeping my state of mind calm and intact. Some of you might think well just do it.
If the fuel is not there to stoke then how can there be a fire.

Enough of that!
I will continue to keep you updated on my weight loss. Last weigh in was 163 down from 172 and working out in my apartment helps keep me toned . Of course my cardiovascular and muscular endurance need improvement as well as my diet . It needs more protein intake and less fat-I need to buy a protein powder to supplement between meals so I dont have that void between major meals-keeping my blood sugar and nitrogen levels elevated will help with muscle growth and recovery after exercise sessions.

That is my update for this week

Until next time

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last week of School /Thoughts of the Future

Hello all

I am closing on my last week ending on Friday with this session of school until October where I start my last class called the Integrative Capstone Project for IT , and it will be comprehensive in nature . That is all I know at this point. I am sure this will be very challenging since it is based on the last 3-4 years of school. Not impossible but it will be hard.

Moving on, my weight is going down I am now 163 lb. down from 172 which is amazing give or take a few pounds based on the time of day and whether I was wearing clothes or not on the day I recorded the weight. Anyway I am glad and I do feel lighter since I gave up or cut down on those processed foods . I have been eating more fruit and vegetables and knowing I need to get back in the gym is wearing on me. I have been doing my "burpees" along with weight training with my dumbbells here in my apartment. if you have been reading my blogs you will know what those are. Read on it they are great for getting a intense whole body routine within a 10min period . I used my breaks from school and the computer to do my exercise routines .
I do them every other day so my body has time to recuperate . I have to remember that I am older now and my recuperation time has increased , so instead of 2 days I have to do maybe three , depending on what and how I do my exercises for that particular day.

My arms alway respond well to any exercise I do for the upper body so they always look ok just need to work on my cardio and muscular endurance, working on my abs and losing the weight helps fuel my motivation. Physical results from your workouts is always an ego booster for anyone losing , maintaining ,or gaining weight(lean muscle).

I am excited about graduating probably after the first of the year I will have my Master's in Information Technology, I am going straight into something I am very passionate about and that is Personal Fitness Training I am now in the process of researching a college that is offering a Masters in Exercise Science So I hope that pans out for me . It offers financial aid which is something that a lot of the personal training certification courses and programs do not. I did live and breath personal training years ago before some major challenges put a dent in that passion. I am healing thyself with self -reflection and knowing who I am as a human being in all that it comprises . It is fascinating, scary and enlightening to learn about yourself

I have had a mere 6 years to learn about myself and it makes you very humble thus you begin to appreciate those little things that you never had the time to analyze. Something to ponder on as I approach the half century mark. Whew I said it.

Well that is it from the Captain

Until next time
God bless

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September Update

Hello all

I will try to keep up with this blog so I can update my readers on my life events, if any at all

Well lets see I am still working on finding out about my new OS upgrade and it's incompatibilities and recently found out about my Photo Booth app which is obviously not compatible with my current OS Snow Leopard and found no documentation of it being incompatible ,so that was big shock. I took a screen shot of the error message that popped up when I tried to open it.and I will post it took a forum to see if I get a workaround until the new iteration or update releases itself to the public which from my research might be released as early as next week. Snow Leopard 10.6.1 to all my Mac Geeks out there

On my health and fitness journey to lose ,build and maintain , I have lost 5 lb. within the last month which is reflected from my diet change. I have cut down on my processed foods such as pizzas and other ready made foods. I have my staple oatmeal with fat free milk , along with green tea. I have in the last month included walnuts and blueberries to my breakfast as well
So I am glad with that progress.

I have doing more intense 10 minute routines which involve the whole body , either done in a circuit fashion or supersetting opposing muscle groups such as biceps and triceps , I have been doing an exercise that was used by Mike Rowe , the host of "Dirty Jobs "on the Discovery Channel, If anyone is interested in the link I will find it and send it or post it on the next blog entry . They are called 'burpees " and involves doing pushups, squat thrusts and plyometrics . I am up to 2 sets . They are very intense whole body excursus used originally by some prison inmates . So that is my staple morning routine outlined above.

I am coming up on my last week starting on Monday , My last day is on the 18th so I will be busy catching up . This class is a challenging one so needless to say I will be glad when it is over.
Then I will check out my next and final class which will start in October or November and I will be finished.
Then I hopefully will be done with researching the college (California University) which I will taking the Exercise Science program starting in January 2010
I will be updating you on the progress on this event

Stay Tuned
Until next time

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Discoveries

I have had my new macbook pro laptop since February of this year-very happy with it since I converted from a Windows computer. What a great difference in my stress level and I will not go in to details in lieu of the fact there are many window users out there and I am not a basher-this is from personal experience.

So on Friday of last week I upgraded my OS with the new version of Snow Leopard as it is called . Such a cool name for an OS version . I am having some irritation from some of my third party applications not being compatible with the new upgrade and some bugginess with some of the Apple apps but I do know they are working on getting fixes for those reported bugs and they will likely come out with the next update 10.6.1 soon ,so I am not so concerned. Even with the bugginess it is not as bad as it used to be.

Moving on.... I have found a way to get certified in Personal Training online within an educational institution that takes financial aid since I am not working at the moment. I am researching it more as we speak. I did receive a email from the institution and they summarized the application , financial aid and orientation process to get into the classes which start in January 2010 which works out fine for me since I am graduating this December from Capella University with a Master's in Information Technology-So that is my plan of action.
I have been trying to find an institution online that has just those qualifications.

Now the accreditation is another thing I am wondering about before I dive in. So I am going to post the name on Twitter and Facebook to see if I get any feedback about this college in terms of validity and how they do in career development and job placement in whatever concentration I decide to pursue. More than likely I am going to start in basics with wellness and fitness to refresh my knowledge and learn new information about the field from the new research that is out there on health and fitness .

So far my health is ok since my issues have been taken care for the moment which is a blissful since I am unemployed but have my veteran's health insurance to fall back on and they will take care of me until I die unless there are some major changes in my coverage.
I am still working on exercising more when I can and when I feel up to it. Here at home doesn't work well for me. So I know I need to get back in the gym. Forthcoming I know. Time will tell

In the meantime day by day is my motto. Pace myself , reduce my stress and living a simplistic existence always remain my goal. Lessons to be learned and my mind is open to more of it. Bring it on.

That is it for the moment. Thanks for reading

Until next time


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Short Update

Hello my friends

It has been a while since I posted-I have been very busy with school catching up on my homework.
I am still behind but have time to write something to let people know I am still around but busy.

I have been doing ok with managing my salt intake which was an issue when I went to the doctor-I have been using Mrs. Dash salt substitute for seasoning and I have been staying off the sweets and processed foods or cutting down on them.

I am still working on being consistent with the recording of my daily meals and exercise. Work to do but progressing.

I just bought the upgrade to my OS for Mac which is called Snow Leopard and I am testing it out. I have no major issues just irritating things that I know will be fixed in upcoming software updates along with finding compatible versions of my third party software ,plugins , etc.

I am in my 8th week of school and I will be done on September 18 Thank God this is a course that was hard to interpret based on the text book which is very technical but I am making do with the resources that I have.

Thank God as well that I dont use my Windows computer anymore for major work I will get back to it to see If I can continue to delete files off the disk . It is just very buggy and on a 8 year computer with ton of stuff on it that needed to be deleted .

Hmm I am about done with this post I dont have a lot to report as of right now maybe in a week I will have more for you

Until then



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